Books on thinking
I Am Right - You Are Wrong by Edward de Bono
An author perhaps better known for coining the term 'Lateral Thinking' Edward de Bono believes that this is his most important work to date. If you are interested in how the mind works, how we reach decisions, why we argue, how you can resolve disputes, what perception is or what different methods there are to solve problems then you will love this book. And that's just scratching the surface of what Mr de Bono covers...
Water Logic by Edward de Bono
This book is a follow on from 'I Am Right - You Are Wrong'. In fact Edward de Bono meant to include the contents of 'Water Logic' in that book but he removed the section so as '...not to over burden the reader'. Anyway, once you have read 'I Am Right - You Are Wrong' you will want to read this. In 'Water Logic' a method for notating a whole new way of thinking is outlined. I've used the technique and I have to say that it really can help you analyse complex problems; the kind you meet in your every day dealings with people.
Total Quality Management by Gordon F. Gatiss
Okay, Gordon was my management lecturer at university so maybe I'm a bit biased. I have to admit that perhaps the book won't mean as much without the lectures. However if you are interested in the principles of Total Quality Management or just want to buy a decent book on management then I don't think this will disappoint you.